petek, 12. avgust 2016

Škatlica presenečenja "Sivka in violina"

Imate radi vonj sivke in zvok violine? Ja? Potem vas vabim na "sprehod" med dišečo sivko, nekje v ozadju se sliši čarobna melodija violine.  

In če bomo pokukali čez leseno ograjo, bomo videli nasmejanega dedka z vnukinjo.

Gospodična, ki se uči violino, je v prejšnjih dneh praznovala 11. rojstni dan in dedek ji je podaril škatlico presenečenja. Spomladi bosta skupaj posejala semena rožic, ki so se skrivala v vrečkici. 

Naši trije otroci v tem tednu uživajo v družbi sestrične in bratranca in dnevi so kar pestri: skok do Velenjskega jezera, ogled nove risanke Ledena doba 5 v Celju, rolanje, računalniške igrice...No, fajn nam je <3 

Želim vam lep petek. Večer pa si polepšajte s sivkinim eteričnim oljem in svečkami. 

Škatlico presenečenja z veseljem prijavljam na naslednje izzive:

19 komentarjev:

  1. Ni lepšega darila, kot tako čudovita škatlica s kombinacijo sivke in violine, ki jo dedek podari svoji ljubljeni vnukinji. To bo zelo lep spomin. Pa še rožice bosta skupaj posejala in potem občudovala, kaj lepega bo zraslo. Zopet brezhibna in prečudovita mojstrovina iz rok mojstrice.

  2. Lepo si vse skupaj združila v celoto.

  3. This is an amazing project on every level!!! I love the detail you've put into each panel, WOW! Thanks for playing along with us at CRAFT this week :)
    Susan - DT

  4. Gorgeous, so pretty, love the details and the layout, someone will love this as a gift, nicely created. Thanks for sharing with us at Lil Patch of Crafty Friends.

    Leanne DT/LPCF
    Please remember to be a follower for a chance to win, if you have already then thank you and good luck. :)

  5. Wow this is amazing! Everything about this project is perfect. I love it.
    Glad you joined in the fun this week at CRAFT.
    Hugs Sheryl DT member xx

  6. This is amazing! I love the goodies unexpected! Thanks for leaving this on our porch at 613 Avenue Create! We were delighted to see it there!
    Chana, Owner

  7. Krasno zgodbo si oblikovala z vsemi dodatki, mislimi, barvami. Čudovita škatlica, ki bo ostala neprecenljiv spomin na dedka.

  8. Absolutely amazing box love the scene and fabulous embellishments -love the little music book -a really beautiful keepsake--Thank you for joining us at Artistic inspirations
    Carol DT x

  9. Jana: This is AMAZING!!! I can't even believe how detailed and lovely this is, my friend. Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and share your talents with us. You participating in the Word Art Wednesday Challenges means SO much to will likely never really know how much it means to me and how much I appreciate you. But please know that I cherish every visit to your blog, and I am grateful for what you create and share with us.
    May God bless your week, my creative friend.
    Word Art Wednesday

  10. Amazing exploding box Jane. So, many fantastic details. Thanks for sharing with us at The Crafter's Cafe and we hope to see you again soon. Hugs, Gale DT

  11. Resnicno obvladas izdelavo teh skatlic. Ena je lepsa od druge. Prekrasno darilo za mlado gospodicno.
    Me veseli, da uzivae in da vam ni dolgcas. :)

  12. Wow! What a clever project! Thank you so much for joining us at Inspiration Destination Challenge Blog for our weekly anything goes challenge. I look forward to seeing you again.
    Best of luck in the draw!
    IDCB Owner

  13. you make some lovely box cards. this is fab. thank you for sharing it with us at TTCRD and good luck, Theresa DT xx

  14. Wow this is fantastic.
    Thanks for playing with us at Inspiration Destination Good luck!! Michelle(DT)

  15. uauu cela zgodba, zelo prisrčno in krasen spomin!

  16. Olala, še tukajle moram pokomentirat, da je škatlica čudovita!

  17. So many wonderful details in this little box! Even the outside has so much to look at.

    Thank you for joining us at Li'l Patch of Crafty Friends for our challenge.

  18. Wow, this is so wonderful. Who would have taught that all the goodness would fit such a cute box. Great job! Thank you for linking with us this month at 613 Avenue Create. Have a blessed weekend!

    JO ANN


Hvala za tvoj komentar! Z veseljem ga preberem. Želim ti lep dan še naprej, Jana
Thank you for your comment! I read it with pleasure. Have a nice day, Jana