petek, 20. januar 2017

Darilna škatla "Toskanska veranda" / Gift box "Tuscan porch"

Današnja objava je obarvana v pomladnih barvah, saj sem navdih črpala z januarskega Mood Board izziva pri Maja Design. Prva misel je bila moja dolgoletna želja - potovanje v "zibelko" italijanskega jezika, književnosti in renesanse.

Čeprav Toskano zaznamujejo zeleni griči z oljko, vinske trte, usnjeni izdelki, kamnite hiše in vile, sem pričarala leseno verando z vrtnicami. Pridih domačnosti dodajo tudi pripomočki za peka kruha. Osnova verande je iz kolekcije Royal 3D proizvajalca Scrapiniec. 

Romantična veranda je posebna tudi zato, ker je oblikovana kot darilna škatlica. Celotni izdelek pa je "oblečen" v čudovite papirje Maja Design. Kaj se skriva v predalniku, pa več v eni od naslednjih objav. 

V inspiracijo sta mi bili tudi Papermade Fairytale in Scrap-Unlimited. Vse chipboard izdelke pa lahko nabavite v čudoviti spletni trgovinici Magic Craft Shop.

In še misel za vse vas:

"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream"- Les Brown

Toskansko verando prijavljam na naslednje izzive:

1.) Creative Fingers - # 123. AG
2.) Jo's Scrap Shack - # 172. AG
3.) Polkadoodles - W. 2. AG
4.) Winter Wonderland - Spring Fever: Flowers Sunshine Romance
5.) Love 2 Create - # 1. AG Mixed Media
6.) 613 Avenue - # 193. Totally Technical
7.) Crafting When We Can - # 135. AG
8.) Lil Patch of Crafty Friends - # 50. AG
9.) The Corrosive - # 1. AG
10.) Artistic Inspirations - # 170. AG
11.) Crafting From The Heart - # 143. AG
12.) Crafty Sentiments - # 17. AG
13.) Deep Ocean - # 146. Anything New
14.) Inky Chicks - # 77. AG
15.) TTCRD - # 17.1.-23.1.17 AG
16.) Creative Inspirations - # 266. Fabulous Flowers
17.) Creative Moments - # 109. Something New New Tecnique
18.) Fab 'n' Funky - # 334. Must Use Ribbon
19.) Inspiration Destination - # 120. AG
20.) Penny's Paper-Crafty - # 312. AG
21.) Word Art Wednesday - # 266.- 267. AG
22.) Crafty Girls Creations - # 32. AG
23.) Craftyhazelnut's Patterned Paper - January AG
24.) Creative Artiste Mixed Media - # 22. AG Mixed Media

43 komentarjev:

  1. Jan,pustila si me odprtih ust in oči.Saj sploh ne najdem besed,s katerimi bi opisala ta prekrasen izdelek.Lahko rečem samo wauuuuwwww.
    Pozdravček :)

  2. Uau, spet en perfekten izdelek. Prava mojstrica si.

  3. WOW absolutely stunning creation and the attention to detail is absolutely exquisite-amazing---Thank you for joining us at Crafting From The Heart
    Carol DT x

  4. This is absolutely amazing. It looks like a lot of time went into this and it shows. It is fabulous. Thanks for joining us at Lil Patch of Crafty Friends! :)

  5. Ne samo, da si nam spet pokazala pravo pravljico iz papirja, obvladaš tudi posel gradbenika in krajinskega arhitekta. Veranda je, kot bi jo izrezala iz toskanskih gričev... Kar sama vabi k počitku v senci, potovanju v svet domišljije z dobro knjigo v roki, ali pa uživanju ob italijanskih dobrotah. Za piko na i pa še bogat nasad vrtnic - le kaj bi si človek še lahko želel!
    Res enkraten izdelek, ki kar žari od vložene energije, časa in ljubezni.

    Lp, V

  6. Absolutely gorgeous, what a stunning creation! Thanks for sharing with us at Creative Moments.

  7. Čudovitoooo! Sploh ne vem, kaj naj rečem. Lepo si sestavila delčke in zaključila s še lepšo inspiracijsko mislijo.

  8. Ft his is an amazing work of art, full of gorgeous detail. Thanks for sharing your art with us at 613 Avenue Create.

  9. Prav neverjetna si. Osupnila sem. Vsak detajl premišljeno izbran in na pravem mestu. Čestitam ti. Res si prava umetnica.

  10. WOW - what a stunning project...!!! So much detail - it's just fantastic. Thank you for joining us at Fab'n Funky.
    Alison x

  11. Saj nibesed, ki bi opisale to tvojo umetnino. Dodelana je v nulo,...vse kaj lahko rečem je WOWWWWWW
    LP Vilinke

  12. This is STUNNING, Jana. What an amazing creation filled with the sweetest touches. Thank you so very much for taking time to share your sweet creation with us. It's always such a blessing to have you play along with us, and I praise God that you've chosen to share your art. Have a wonderfully blessed week, Jana.
    Word Art Wednesday

  13. Wow! This is gorgeous! Thank you for sharing such a great art piece and thank you for joining us at Penny's Challenges! Hope to see you again!
    Hugs, Mary (DT member)

  14. WOOOOOW!!!! Stunning creation! Thank you for sharing with us at CWWC Challenge XXX

  15. Oh my, what a beautiful project! I love all the gorgeous little details. Thanks so much for joining us at We Love 2 Create this time
    Claire xx

  16. Wau, z veseljem bi popila čajček na takšni verandi :)) Prečudovit izdelek!!!

  17. Vedno znova me pustiš brez besed.. perfektno

  18. Totally awesome!!! Love your creation for Jo's Scrap Shack this week. TFS

  19. Stunning piece. Love the details and all of the findings. Thank you for joining us at Creative Artiste this month. Hope to see you back here again soon. Judy DT

  20. I am speechless. This is a fantastic 'little' project. Love all the details you added. This is definitely an inspirational piece for me... New Follower...Thanks for joining us at Jo's Scrap Shack Fun Friday Challenge. AJ DT JSS

  21. Omg... i´m speechless...great work and so many details... looooove it.
    Thank you so much for joining us at Polkadoodles Craft Challenge #52 Anything Goes.
    Hugs, Tina - DT
    Polkadoodles Challenge

  22. What can I say that hasn't been said by everyone else - this is over the top for sure. Thanks for sharing all the pic's. Your detail is amazing!!!

  23. WOW this is absolutely stunning!!! I love every single detail ... this is definitely such an inspiration piece! I don't even want to know how long it took you to create this but boy it sure is a beauty! Unbelievably stunning! Thanks so much for playing along with us this week in our Funday Friday challenge!! Remember we are now always anything goes! Have a wonderful day!
    ♥ Jo's Scrap Shack ♥

  24. I wanted to know if there is any way you can add a "subscribe by email" option to your sidebar? I would love to follow you and stop by every time you post, but the only way I will remember to do that is if I receive an email to my inbox when you post. I am very forgetful...and if you can add that to your sidebar, you will also generate a lot more followers... a lot of people like to receive the blogs in their email. So can you do that please? If you don't know how, please email me and I can tell you, it is extremely easy. Thanks!

  25. Dear Jana, you make very beautiful Projects!! stunning!! I love your Blogspot! I invited you in our Crafty Blogspot and Crafty Webshop: / Many Hugs from Marina

  26. Beautiful creation, love all the details. Very pretty design. Thanks for joining us at Creative Inspirations this fortnight. Good luck, CraftyNatalie. -DT

  27. Gorgeous creation!! Love all the details!

    Thanks for joining us @ Penny's Paper Crafty Challenge!! Hope to see you back again soon :)

  28. This is fantastic...amazing creation. I can't believe what I see.....wowwwwwwww.
    Thanx for joining us at Inky Chicks Challenge.

  29. Wow, what an amazing project. So much gorgeous detail to look at. Thank you for sharing it with us at CHNPPC.

  30. Wow!!! Your creation leaves me breathless!!!Every detail and color choice....Everything!! Amazing project!
    Thank you for playing along with us at Creative Fingers 😊
    Susan - DT

  31. Jana, pravljično lepo. Občudujem vas, ki se lotevate tako velikih projektov.

    1. Ooo Helena hvala ti. Ni tako težko ustvarjati takšne bolj velike projekte - samo zgefa tako ;)) <3

    2. Eehhh... "zgefa"??? .... ZGLEDA :))

  32. Tvoja toskanska veranda je TOP! Res pravljična!

  33. Lovely work. Thank you for joining the challenge at Fun Day Friday and Creative Fingers. Hope to see you again next time.

  34. Never seen a project like this before. Fabulous!!!!

  35. A project that leaves you speechless.
    every detail is designed very carefully and it is wonderful.
    Thanks for joining us for our Anything Goes Polkadoodles Challenge
    We look forward to seeing you again next time.


Hvala za tvoj komentar! Z veseljem ga preberem. Želim ti lep dan še naprej, Jana
Thank you for your comment! I read it with pleasure. Have a nice day, Jana